Joe Zeff Design

Now more than ever, companies need to tell their story effectively. We’re here to help.

Our story . . .

Joe Zeff Design helped JPMorgan Chase & Co. turn its Annual Report into an interactive iPad app containing Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon's letter to shareholders along with letters from CEOs from every line of business. The app contains animated illustrations and infographics, videos and a real-time newsfeed.

A sample page.

• Interactive tour of the New York City Client Center.

• Alternative Investments Summit interactive program. I attended the event in Florida and interacted directly with Private Bank clients.

• J.P. Morgan Way app that showcased new technology projects, updated throughout the year.

• Investor Day app that showcased new products. Link shows a video composite of the four apps we produced.

• Proof of concept of how interactive content could be deployed to improve core stories. Link.